Friday, January 25, 2008

Stuff in January

Ya, OK, so I'm becoming somewhat less creative with the titles.

Life update: We're all doing well now that Laura and I are done being sick for the first 2-3 weeks of the month. Katherine's immune system has so far proven bulletproof.

Work is crazy-busy so it makes it that much more fun to hang out with Katherine on the evenings and weekends.

Katherine is using new words every day, which is helping her communicate and mitigate the frustration (that I assume every kid goes through, and me too on some days) of not being able to get your ideas (i.e.: demands) across.

Anyway, here's a video I have entitled "Running and Jumping"...I know...again with the creativeness.

I ran out of patience to edit this one...after all, there are video games to be played. Here's some "Singing and dancing and gerenal silliness before bedtime"...
