Friday, June 30, 2006

This Week's Milestone

Katherine lost her umbilical cord stump the other day, revealing what will likely be an "inny". Exciting stuff, but kinda gross really, since the newly revealed navel isn't quite done healing, but now she can have "tummy time".

She has also found her smile, intermittently at least, so I have been stalking her with the camera trying to get a few good smiley shots. I think she may be tiring of the flash, however.

We've been out shopping, for lunch at a restaurant, and some other running around; she's a pretty good traveller. So are Laura and I (I think) since we even had to feed and change her at the mall yesterday and everything went well...we might be getting the hang of this whole "parenting" thing.

Other than that, there's not a ton of news. Life goes on...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Getting Used to Each Other

The past week or so has been fun trying to figure each other out...when one of us isn't sleeping. We have been out of the house several times and Katherine travels very well.

Sleep is still pretty much as reported earlier, Katherine is only getting up twice during the night to be fed/changed, so we've been able to keep up. She is sleeping a lot; in particular, feeding seems to absolutely knock her out... does being warm...

And here's the obligatory "Family" shot...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Alright already...more pics...

So we've got Katherine home, what the hell do we do now?

Sure is tiny in there...

Clean baby makes both mom and daughter happy...

Exhibit #1 supporting that sleeping babies are awesome...

I think it was my mom who asked for a "full frontal"...

Exhibit #2 supporting that sleeping babies are awesome...

This is also my favourite pic so far...really takes after her parents that way.

Exhibit #3 supporting that sleeping babies are awesome...

We're all doing well. Laura and I are feeling pretty lucky that Katherine is already letting us get away with only waking up twice throughout the night. It's made it relatively easy to catch up the sleep we lost at the hospital, etc.

Katherine is really easy-going, doesn't cry much at all, and is changing all of the time. She likes bath time, her feet are ticklish, and I think I have to start carrying my camera in my back pocket or something...I could take hundreds of pictures of her every day, a few of which will continue to be posted here.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Hi everyone. We had a pretty good night at the hospital last night (including a little bit of sleep for everyone!), everything has gone really well, and we're now home - getting used to our surroundings and getting our surroundings used to the addition of Katherine.

We came home to find that Milo (our cat) had knocked the phone onto the floor and it was therefore off the hook. So if you got a busy signal, we're not trying to ignore you, but he may be on to something... Milo, by the way, has been cautiously curious since we came home as three and he's adjusting well so far.

Thanks to everyone for their comments on the blog and messgages at home. Don't worry, there will be lots more pics to come...she's already changed a lot and it has only been 54 hours...

Ian, Laura, and Katherine

Katherine Eva

Ian and Laura are very excited to introduce to the world an amazing baby girl, Katherine Eva.

Besides being perfect (while acknowledging my potentially biased opinion), we can report that she came into the world at 9:33 a.m. on Wednesday, June 14 weighing in at 8 pounds and 3 ounces. You can see from the picture above that she has lots of dark hair among the endless list of her endearing features.

Mommy is doing well, recovering quickly from mostly routine new mother stuff, and is expected to be released from the hospital on Friday morning.

Dad is also doing well, although some-kinda'-tired, but who would want to sleep now anyway. Ian got to cut the cord, inform Laura that we have a baby girl, and lots of other stuff that most reading this won't want to know. It was amazing.

Can't wait to show her off!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Update (8 Days Overdue)

Hey all, this is now "Monday Update #2" and there's nothing terribly exciting to report as of yet. A little bit more frequent "activity", but nothing really indicative of actual labour...

The weather was pretty crappy here in Ottawa on the weekend, so we took advantage of the opportunity to take it easy (while we can!).

Stay tuned...

Friday, June 09, 2006

It must be comfy in there...

Regardless of our spicy fajita dinner last night and lapping the mall several times, it's now Friday and baby is still kickin' around...inside mommy's tummy...

Monday, June 05, 2006



First things first. It's Wednesday night and no baby, yet...

We're not holding out on you, there's just no news. We will, by the way, send everyone an e-mail with the news once things happen.

All is well; we had an ultrasound this morning to make sure everything was cool, and all is. For what it's worth, the ultrasound technician took measurements and estimates that baby is already over nine ya, send your thoughts to Laura.

Laura is doing well and getting lots of rest. Everything is ready for baby; it's just a matter of time, now.

Hello? Baby? You were due yesterday...

Ya, so just so you know we're not holding out on you:

no baby's now Monday afternoon...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

ETA: 24-36 hrs...

So baby has been kicking around a lot more recently, perhaps gettin' a little cramped in there...

In anticipation of baby, Laura has had to take all of her motherly instincts out on Milo.

...seems to me that they have both grown quite a bit since October...

All of that growth requires sustenance...

I hope she doesn't want to kill me for posting that last one...of course, I suppose should would have to catch me...

Stay tuned...