Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Katherine's Grand Tour

Off we were to BC for a month or so to introduce Katherine to her grandparents, uncles, aunt, and soon-to-be friends.

First was up to the interior of BC, Shuswap Lake, where Laura's mom has a place on the beach...10 days of this wasn't going to be so bad...

One thing I never appreciated about this place, until having to get up at 6am with my daughter, was sunrise.

Laura's mom (a.k.a. Nana) was ready to assume some of the parenting duties.

As was Allan (or "Sir" as he has taken to being called!)...

As an aside, I discovered throughout our trip how Katherine is a granddaughter or niece until she's in need of a change, when she suddenly reverts back to "Ian's kid" status.

Katherine also had her toes dipped in the lake, not that she really reacted to the fact. The lake was actually relatively warm.

Obligatory family shot #1 featuring (from left to right) Uncle Colin, Nana Barb, Katherine, and a couple of other people that continue to follow her around.

Mommy and daughter taking a break on the drive down the Fraser Canyon on the way to Langley from the lake...somewhere around Boston Bar, I think.

Down in the Lower Mainland, we had to spend one of our afternoons in White Rock and have fish & chips from Moby Dick's...good stuff.

You can't go to White Rock without walking the pier. For those of not familiar with White Rock, yes, there actually is a white rock on the beach...not sure which came first, however.

Katherine was also treated to her very first car show, which occurs every Friday night downtown. Uncle Colin cruised for chicks pushing the stroller, and Katherine also posed for this pic in Uncle's 1969 Volkswagen Type III hot rod.

Here's obligatory family shot #2 with Baba Ron, Katherine and Mom, and Grams Liz.

This is Third Beach in Vancouver's Stanley Park. It was cool to be a tourist again in Vancouver for a day.

After a day of tourist-ing around it was off to Uncle Jason and Aunt Pam's place to hang out for a while and then go out for all-you-can-eat sushi and Korean barbeque. I would post a picture here of Jason and Pam with Katherine, but they are all on his camera. Jason, send pics please.

Obligatory family shot #3, this time featuring Ian, Laura, Katherine, Grandpa Bob and Grandma Shirley.

So there's a brief overview of our trip out west, using only 13 of 294 pictures.

Next week we're off to New York City so Katherine is quickly becoming quite the traveler. We REALLY feel lucky with how easy-going she is in terms of traveling, meeting new people, and life in general...guess she gets some of that from Mom and Dad.

FYI, Katherine got her first round of shots the other day (she was NOT a big fan) and Mom was able to contain herself. Dad held her because he's almost callously indifferent with that kind of stuff...the look on her face was almost cartoon-like...first the realization that a 1-inch needle was in her leg, then the lower lip popping out, pupils dilating, and mouth opening,....and then the scream to beat all screams...she's fine now, though. She now weighs 13lbs 8oz, is almost 25 inches long (not centimeters as previously reported), and is 4 days from her 3-month birthday...crazy stuff.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the blog except you left ou the most important part of your trip..... visiting us, of course!

Erica, Jack.....

and Kevin

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time out west. It's too bad that we couldn't have co-ordinated. But I'm glad to hear that Katherine did well with all the travelling.
And Laura, I know how you feel with the needles. Brent had to come hold Sarah for her first few visits to the health nurse. But by the time Evan was born, I had developed a tougher skin. Don't worry, it does get easier to do these "nasty" jobs.
Brent, Melynda, Sarah, & Evan