Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Just to let you know we're still alive...

Hey everybody, it has been a while, but most of my computer time recently has been spent trying to recover from the failure of our hard drive...no word yet if we will get any of our data off of it before sacrificing it to the tech gods.

Please disregard the weather reports indicating the -45 degree windchill in Ottawa today...stings a little, but it's supposed to be 5 degrees on Saturday and 8 on Sunday.

Got this the other day and thought it was pretty well done, if a little long...Clark the Canadian Hockey Goalie...

Katherine (you know, the only reason you're checking this blog to begin with) is doing very well...crawling all over the place...climbing the stairs, climbing onto the couch...she really has some sort of uncanny ability to get to places too dangerous for her own good. Good thing she has us (mostly Laura, really) chasing after her 24/7.

More to come once I get a little more organized.

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