Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hard day for Mom

Well my baby is being phased in to being with her Daycare provider. Last week she spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in D's care. Everyday Ian picked her up and she came home very happy, chatting away and eager to share her day with me. I thought that by Friday she may have been looking for some "mom" time, but when she saw D at the door, it was waving bye bye to mom and big smiles for D.

Friday D took K to the farm to visit the animals. I tagged along to see her reaction to the animals. K was having a great time and had no need for her mom, wouldn't even let me hold her. At least I can go to work and know that she is happy and in great hands.

She made friends with a cow. She (the cow) gave K a kiss on the side of her head.

I think her favorite was an angora goat that was so soft and had hard pointy horns that were fun to touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has it been a year already!? You are lucky to have found someone so good to take K.
Take care guys,