Tuesday, July 03, 2007

First Steps

FYI, no pics (yet) but Katherine took her first independent steps yesterday...well 1-and-a-half steps, anyway. She has been walking with help from a stabilizing hand from mom and/or dad for a couple weeks or so, but she has increasingly been exploring how much she can accomplish on her own.

She was in the middle of the dining room (since there's no dining set) and stood up, I reached for her a called her over, she took one step, wobbled, and stumbled with her second step into my waiting hands.

Cool stuff.

I'm sure I will have some video of her walking around and checking stuff out soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww not such a baby anymore! From now on it, trips to the emerg ward for you guys. Jack just got his stiches out.