First things first. It's Wednesday night and no baby, yet...
We're not holding out on you, there's just no news. We will, by the way, send everyone an e-mail with the news once things happen.
All is well; we had an ultrasound this morning to make sure everything was cool, and all is. For what it's worth, the ultrasound technician took measurements and estimates that baby is already over nine ya, send your thoughts to Laura.
Laura is doing well and getting lots of rest. Everything is ready for baby; it's just a matter of time, now.
Good luck guys! we love you!!!!
Sending our e-painkillers from B.C.
Jason & Pam
Thanks for the play by play update- I check every day! Being overdue sucks- but just think... this time tomorrow you could be holding your little baby (and your feet and spine could be back to normal, Laura). I am so excited for you guys. Having baby Jack was the most mindblowing experience of our lives. It's all true what they say: it is witnessing a miracle. However, I would not want to go back to those days of "waiting." BTW, I kept asking, "How do you know when you are in labour?" and everyone said, "Ohhhh you'll know!" Well, I didn't "just know" so keep that in mind when you start to feel crampy or sick. It could be any time now. Maybe now. Maybe .... now. I'm sending you healthy vibes.
Love Erica
PS- i see your blog says "Quest to return to BC." Yeah. When? Do it soon. Jack needs a buddy.
I hope there's not a counter on this website because I'm checking it every 15 minutes. The suspense is killing me! Push, Laura, Push!
Good luck guys!
We sure hope the ultrasound tech is wrong.
Brent and Melynda
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